Sunday 29 May 2011

Bride Wars

Filed under: Film — purplehsiaoling at 11:34 am on Saturday, January 24, 2009

     Hi, people!  I’m back.  Or at least, I hope I’m back.  Gosh, my last post was in May 2008 and that probably explains why one of my 2009’s resolutions is to continue writing!  And on the 25th day of the year, I hope that I’m still on track to achieving that resolution!  Anyway, it’s always something that inspire or compel me to write (it’s been mainly movies, books and songs) and isn’t it such a coincidence that my first post is due to a movie and it is a movie now that is making me write again.

     Bride Wars.  I saw the trailer and thought it might be cool: it has Kate Hudson (loved her in How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days) and Anne Hathaway (loved her in Becoming Jane), it’s about brides and weddings and it’s a modern romcom (read ’romantic comedy’ - the words just kind of jumped at me, haha).  But what I thought might not be so cool is the way the two girls were going to act mean toward each other because they fell out from being best friends.

     Nonetheless, I’m so glad that I caught the movie.  Despite my reservations that I wouldn’t be able to stomach the mean stuff and girl fight,  I knew I should still give it a chance because it might be something like Monster-in-Law.  And it certainly didn’t help that online ratings and reviews on it weren’t that favourable.  Plus I caught it at almost midnight after shopping and was getting a headache (okay, okay, another resolution to work on - to get more sleep!).

     I really enjoyed Bride Wars.  And I guess I have a lot to thank it for since it has made me write again here.  A quick look at why I like the movie.  It has a happy ending!  *Spoilers ahead*  A happy ending despite one wedding that didn’t happen but fate works in a mysterious way.  You can’t help but like all the characters in the movie (even the ghastly Deb) because no one is a villain here  (right, I confess, I cannot stand villains).  And most importantly, this lightweight romantic comedy is very thought-provoking.  For me, that is.

     Marion St. Claire, the wedding planner, narrates the story and offers a lot of interesting lines along the way.  The first that I want to highlight is this:  You are dead until your wedding day.  Forgive me if I didn’t quite get the exact lines but what I want to point out is the idea of it.  She says that you aren’t really living if you don’t have a wedding and get married.  And if you really don’t, then you’ll probably die being dead.  Call it harsh (after all, not everyone wants or likes to be married) or even old-fashioned (where’s your independence?) but oh, oh!

     Which girl hasn’t dreamed of her wedding since she was a little girl?  Hmm, I wonder if I have but all my ideas on weddings come from the story books I read as I was growing up.  A wedding in a garden with just your family and friends and people whom you really want to see you get married like Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables.  A wedding in three weeks after running away with your lover because your father and his father are engaged in a bitter feud with no hopes of reconciliation like Florentyna Rosnovski in The Prodigal Daughter.  And bits and pieces from other stories..

     So, it simply makes you smile when you see the two little girls dreaming of their weddings and playing bride and groom at the beginning of the movie.  It also makes you think how wonderful it is to be kids when your imagination is endless and only limited by yourself, when anything is possible in your eyes and when nothing is too silly or laughable.  Why do we lose all this and become disillusioned as we grow up?  Wouldn’t it be nice if we always continue or remember to lose ourselves in our own imagination, never to stop dreaming and not be afraid to be silly or to laugh at ourselves?

     Back to the movie..  The girls created their idea of a perfect wedding because of one that they witnessed and twenty years later, they were on their way to having their own.  I had to smile again when there was a scene in which a bride was throwing her bouquet of flowers and the two girls were aiming to catch it badly.  Well, call me a hopeless romantic but I caught two bouquets of flowers at the end of last year and I’m glad that I did!

     Well, if you must know, I caught the first one at my best friend’s wedding despite not paying much attention to it.  Somehow, the flowers just flew straight into my left hand and it’s mine!  And no, I didn’t plan it with my best friend even though she told me to try and catch it.  I was flabbergasted when I realized that the flowers were in my hand and when I told my sister who’s the first to hear about it, she went, wedding bells are ringing, ting-a-ling..

     As for the second bouquet, my sister said she wouldn’t count that I caught it because it fell nearest to me after the bride threw it the second time and I was picking it up to hand it back to her to throw again when everyone else said that it was mine and that I could keep it already.  Another friend (bless him!) said well, if it makes me happy, I could still count it as one that I caught, haha..

     Well, my hopeless romanticism suffered a bit when I read a few weeks later in a local newspaper about how a single girl lamented on the fact that she remains unmarried despite catching bouquets after bouquets of flowers at weddings.  Aww, shucks!  There goes my ting-a-ling, ting-a-ling..  Haha!

     Next, the movie implicitly shows how two couples deal with crisis.  One stayed together, the other didn’t.  *No more spoilers on who did, who didn’t, haha*  It was so touching to see one of the girls lying in bed with tears rolling down her cheeks and telling her partner that she felt so alone (when everything seemed to be going wrong for her) and then, he embraced her and said that he was there for her.  Aww..  And both of them told each other how if the other didn’t behave like that (in a less pleasing way), they wouldn’t have liked the other because that was what made them love the other in the first place.

     Compare this with the other couple.  When the girl was talking, the guy didn’t want to listen because he thought that she was changing into someone he didn’t recognized even though she was only doing something she wanted to do.  And worse, when she wanted to talk some more, he left to go to the gym after saying that this is a quarrel and they will work something out later because he didn’t think that they could deal with it now.

     At the end of the movie when the bride who did get married was telling the one who didn’t how sorry she was about her wedding, she said that she was fine.  She said that if she and the groom had been right for each other, they would have gone on with the wedding but now, they didn’t.  In fact, when she told him goodbye, he didn’t do anything to protest or to make her change her mind.  And she even told him that he knew all along that they weren’t made for each other despite being so close to getting married.

     Moral of the story?  Always be yourself and don’t be someone else just because you want to please other people.  And most importantly, you really, really should marry someone who can accept you for who or what you are because marriage is for life and you’ll be with that person for a lifetime.  When you marry someone, it is because you love that person and when you love that person, it is because you love everything about that person- the good and the bad.  And oh, get someone you can talk to as well and someone whom you know will stand by you no matter what.

     Marion said this:  Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you’ll find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding, but there’s also the chance that the one person you can count on for a lifetime, the one person who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself is the same person who’s been standing beside you all along.

     And I think you are incredibly lucky if you have that person in your spouse, family or friends..

     Before I end this, I would like to say thank you to those who wanted me to write.  You know who you are.  This is dedicated to you.

He mustn't cry when he is second

Filed under: Current Affairs — purplehsiaoling at 9:09 pm on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

To all David Archuleta fans out there (and that includes my mom who still cannot believe that he didn’t win):
Both Davids are winners and like what David Cook said yesterday, from 24 to 12 and then to 2, as far as he’s concerned, the competition’s over and it’s time to have fun.

Archie’s a very sweet guy and he has a great voice. No one can dispute that.

He must not cry when he is second. Because he is still an American Idol winner.

Best of luck to David Archuleta and may he continue living his dreams and reaching out for something more.

7 Things I Learnt from the 7th Season of the American Idol

Filed under: Current Affairs — purplehsiaoling at 9:06 pm on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

1. Do not despair even if everything/everyone (especially the judges) seems to be in favour of the other contestant. Like what Simon (also) said, it’s just an opinion.
2. Do not give up even if you think that you have lost round one and two. There’s still round three and you must always, always do your best as if it’s the last time you’ll ever do it.

3. Be nice, be sincere and flash your sweet smile once in a while to drive your fans crazy! An art that David Cook perfected. I’m absolutely bowled over by his charm. He’s just so cool.

4. Believe in what you do and love doing what you do. When Simon questioned David Cook on why he didn’t choose to sing his best songs during yesterday’s last round, he replied, well, I thought this is a progression and I didn’t want to do something I’ve already done.

5. Life does work in mysterious ways. David Cook said that it’s his brother’s fault that got him there. One minute you might be doing something ordinary, but the next you’re living your dream.

David Cook Dreams BIG!

Filed under: Current Affairs — purplehsiaoling at 9:02 pm on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

When I was a little boy
I swore that I would change the world
when I grew up
nothing else would be enough

I see it every day
We settle for safe
And lose ourselves along the way

But if we don’t Dream Big
What’s the use in dreaming
If you don’t have faith
there’s nothing worth believing
It takes one hope
To make the stars worth reaching for
So reach out for something more

Took a while to perfect a plan
for me to finally understand
that it’s not me
faith is something you can’t see

I’ve wiped my tears away
now it’s time for a change
No, I can’t waste another day

But if we don’t Dream Big
What’s the use in dreaming
If you don’t have faith
there’s nothing worth believing
It takes one hope
To make the stars worth reaching for
So reach out for something more!!

Well, people, I screamed like mad when Ryan announced that the new American Idol is David.. Cook!! I was just bracing myself to hear "Archuleta" after yesterday’s show. The Americans have voted (almost 100 million votes came in if I heard correctly) and 12 million people loved David Cook more!!

Anyway, like what Simon Cowell said, for the first time, I didn’t really care who won because to me, both Davids are already winners but still, I’m absolutely over the moon that David Cook won. He’s one of the nicest and most sincere contestants (paraphrasing Simon again).

Also, it’s good to note that Simon magnanimously apologized to David Cook today for being disrespectful (imho, he was plain hard!) to him yesterday. I was ready to accuse Simon of murder if David Cook lost because of Simon’s comments.

But the best part is, the voters decided and they decided that the new American Idol is DAVID COOK!!

Teardrops on my Diary

Filed under: Lyrics — purplehsiaoling at 1:52 am on Monday, February 18, 2008

(Adapted from Taylor Swift’s Teardrops On My Guitar)
He looks at me, I fake a smile so he won’t see
That I want and I’m needing everything that we should be
I’ll bet she’s beautiful, that girl he will fall for
And she’ll have everything that I have to live without

He talks to me, I laugh cause it’s just so funny
That I can’t even see anyone when he’s with me
He says simple things but, he’s always getting it right,
I wonder if he knows he’s all I think about at night


He’s the reason for the teardrops on my diary
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He’s the song in my head I keep singing, don’t know why I do

He walks by me, can he tell that I can’t breathe?
And there he goes, so charmingly,
The kind of coolness I wish I could be
She’d better hold him tight, whoever she is
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she’s lucky cause

[Repeat Chorus]

So I stare into space, as I turn out the light
I’ll put his face away and maybe
Get some sleep tonight

He’s the reason for the teardrops on my diary
The only one who’s got me crushing bad to break my heart
He’s the song in my head I keep singing, don’t know why I do
He’s the time taken up, but there’s never enough
And he’s all that I need to fall into..

He looks at me, I fake a smile so he won’t see.

Enchanted's Ever Ever After

Filed under: Lyrics — purplehsiaoling at 4:56 pm on Sunday, November 25, 2007

Storybook endings, fairy tales coming true
Deep down inside we want to believe they still do
And a secret is taught, it’s our favourite part of the story
Let’s just admit we all want to make it too

Ever ever after
If we just don’t get it our own way
Ever ever after
It may only be a wish away

Starting your fashion, wear your heart on your sleeve
Sometimes you reach what’s real just by making believe
Unafraid, unashamed
There is joy to be claimed in this world
You even might wind up being glad to be you

Ever ever after
Though the world will tell you it’s not smart

Ever ever after
The world can be yours if you let your heart
Believe in ever after

No wonder your heart feels it’s flying
Your head feels it’s spinning
Each happy ending’s a brand new beginning
Let yourself be enchanted, you just might break through

To ever ever after
Forever could even start today
Ever ever after
Maybe it’s just one wish away
Your ever ever after

(I’ve been dreaming of a true love’s kiss)

Oh, for ever ever after
Note: Sung by Carrie Underwood, it’s a lovely ending to the wonderful Enchanted.  It is one of the many songs in Enchanted that I love.  A highly-entertaining movie.  Planning to get the soundtrack and dvd as well, haha.


Filed under: Film — purplehsiaoling at 9:56 am on Saturday, November 3, 2007

My Favourite Quotes (thanks to IMDb).

[first lines]
Narrator: A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?" Pointless, really…”Do the stars gaze back?" Now *that’s* a question.

[repeated line]
Yvaine: What do stars do? They shine.

The First Meeting:

Tristan: [he crashed with Yvaine and he's on her] Mother? Oh! Oh, mother. I’m so sorry. Are you all right?
Yvaine: No, I’m not and I’m not your mother. So get off me!
Tristan: [stands up] You are not my mother?
Yvaine: Do I look like I’m your mother?
Tristan: No, sorry. Are you all right? Do you want some help?
Yvaine: Help by leaving me alone!
Tristan: All right…
[begins to walk away, talks to himself]
Tristan: Oh my God! "Light the candle and think of me". I was, I was thinking of my mo… but then Victoria and the star just pumpted…
[to Yvaine]
Tristan: Oh, excuse me, madame, sorry, this may see strange but, have you seen a falling star anywhere?
Yvaine: You’re funny.
Tristan: No, really. We’re in a crater, this must be where it fell.
Yvaine: [sarcastic] Yeah, this is where it fell. It is, or if you want to be really specific up there..
[pointing to the sky]
Yvaine: is where this weird bloody necklace
[shows him the necklace around her neck]
Yvaine: came out of nowhere and knocked it out of the heavens without minding its own business. And over there is where it landed. And right here, here is where it got hit by a magical flying MORON!
Tristan: You’re the star? You’re the star? Really? Oh, wow! I’m sorry, I had no idea you’d be it. Oh, I, may I just say for advance that I’m sorry.
Yvaine: Sorry for what?
Tristan: For this.
[takes out a chain and ties it up to Yvaine's hand]
Tristan: Now, if I’m not mistaken this means you have to come with me. You’re going to be a birthday gift for Victoria, my true love.
Yvaine: [sarcastic] But of course! Nothing says "romance" like a kidnapped injured woman! I’m not going anywhere with you!

The Process of Falling:

Yvaine: [in the pirate ship] They’re going to kill us, aren’t they?
Tristan: I don’t know.
Yvaine: You know, I used to watch… I used to watch people having adventures. I envied them.
Tristan: You ever heard the expression, "Be careful of what you wish for"?
Yvaine: So I deserve to be hunted for my heart and…
Tristan: [interrupts her] I didn’t mean it like that.
Tristan: Look, I admire your dream. A shop boy like me… I never imagined an adventure this big. I just thought I’d find some celestial rock, take it home and that would be it.
Yvaine: And you got me.
[Both begin to laugh]
Yvaine: If there’s one thing I know about all my years watching Earth, is that people aren’t what they may seem. There are shop boys, and there are boys that just happened to work in a shop for the time being. And trust me Tristan, you are no shop boy. You saved my life. Thank you.
[holds Tristan's hand]
Yvaine: [in the pirate ship] Tell me about Victoria.
Tristan: Well, she… she…
[Yvaine waits for an answer]
Tristan: There’s nothing else to tell you.
Yvaine: The little I know about love is that it’s unconditional. It’s not something you can buy.
Tristan: Hang on! This wasn’t about me trying to buy her love. This was to prove to her how I felt.
Yvaine: Ah… And what’s she doing to prove how she feels about you?
Tristan: Well…
[doesn't answer her question]
Tristan: Look Yvaine, you’ll understand when you meet her, all right? If we don’t get murdered by pirates first.
Yvaine: Mmm… Murdered by pirates, heart turned out and eaten, meet Victoria… I can’t quite decide which sounds more fun…
Captain Shakespeare: Yvaine… I know what you are.
[Yvaine scares]
Captain Shakespeare: Have no fear, no one on this vessel will harm you, but there are many that would.
[brief pause]
Captain Shakespeare: Your emotions give you away, Yvaine, you must learn to control them. You’ve been glowing more brightly every day and I think you know why.
Yvaine: Of course I know why I’m glowing. I’m a star! And what the stars do best?
Captain Shakespeare: Well, certainly not the waltz.
Tristan: [approaches to dance with Yvaine, when they begin to dance, Yvaine begins to glow. While they dance, they stop] I’ll try again.
Yvaine: Ok
Tristan: [He dances pretty good with her] See?
Yvaine: Very good.
Tristan: Thank you.
[They keep dancing]
Going Home:
Tristan: You sort of, glitter now. Is it… Is it normal?
Yvaine: Let’s see if you can work it out for youself. What do stars do?
Tristan: Hmm… Attract trouble?
[Yvaine pushes him]
Tristan: All right, I’m sorry. Let me do another guess. Is it: Do they know exactly how to annoy a boy called Tristan Thorn?
Yvaine: Are you tempted?
Tristan: Tempted, by what?
Yvaine: Immortality. Let’s say it wasn’t my heart. Not me. Just a star you didn’t know.
Tristan: You seriously think I could kill anybody. Even if I could, I mean, everlasting life? I imagine it would be kind of lonely. Well, maybe if you had someone to share it with. Someone you loved. Then it might be different.

The Star’s Confession:

Yvaine: You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn’t true. I know a lot about love. I’ve seen it, centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable. All those wars. Pain, lies, hate… It made me want to turn away and never look down again. But when I see the way that mankind loves… You could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful. So yes, I know that love is unconditional. But I also know that it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing, and… What I’m trying to say, Tristan, is… I think I love you. Is this love, Tristan? I never imagined I’d know it for myself. My heart… It feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it’s trying to escape because it doesn’t belong to me any more. It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I’d wish for nothing in exchange - no fits. No goods. No demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you loved me too. Just your heart, in exchange for mine.

Getting Together:

Tristan: [Yvaine is having a bath and he surprises her] Excuse me..
Yvaine: [surprised] Oh!
Tristan: I think you’re in my bath.
Yvaine: Close your eyes!
Tristan: [turns around and laughs] Honestly I’m not looking. Here, I’ll turn away.
Yvaine: [with a towel on] Ok, you can open them now.
Tristan: Did you really mean what you said in the caravan?
Yvaine: What I…? But… You were a mouse! You were a mouse… you wanted cheese! You didn’t… I asked you to give me a sign!
Tristan: And risk you being too embarrassed to keep saying to me lovely things?
[kisses her forehead]
Tristan: You want to know what the Captain really whispered to me that day?
[Yvaine nods]
Tristan: He told me that my true love
[Yvaine begins to glow]
Tristan: was right in front of my eyes. And he was right.
[they kiss]

How It Began- Tristan’s Parents:

[Dunstan gets into the market at Stormhold. Sees a beautiful lady and stares at her. An older woman talks to him]
Ditchwater Sal: I don’t deal with time wasters.
[to her slave girl]
Ditchwater Sal: Get over it, attend the stall. I’m off to "The Slaughtered Prince" for a pint.
[goes away]
[the slave approaches him]
Slave Girl: See anything you like?
Young Dunstan Thorn: [seeing her] Umm… Definitely
[the slave laughs]
Young Dunstan Thorn: I mean. what, wha-wha-what I meant was
[sees some flowers]
Young Dunstan Thorn: These ones, the blue ones. How-how much are they?
Slave Girl: They might be the colour of your hair. Or they might be all of your memories before you were three. I can check if you like. Anyway, you shouldn’t buy the blue ones
[takes a white flower]
Slave Girl: Buy this one instead. Snowdrop. It’ll bring you luck.
Young Dunstan Thorn: But what does that cost?
Slave Girl: This one..
[meaning the flower]
Slave Girl: costs a kiss.
[the slave girl places the flower in Dunstan's jacket. He is going to kiss her on her cheek, but she moves & they kiss]
Slave Girl: Is she gone?
[meaning Ditchwater Sal]
Slave Girl: Follow me.
[She walks to the caravan behind her and Dunstan follows her. He notices she has a chain tied to her ankle]
Slave Girl: I’m a princess. Tricked into being the witch’s slave. Would you liberate me?
[Dunstan cuts the chain, but it fastens again]
Slave Girl: It’s an enchanted chain. I’ll only be free when she dies. Sorry.
Young Dunstan Thorn: Well… If I can’t liberate you. What do you want of me?
[the slaves gives him her hand and they both get into the caravan]

Nine months later:
[knocks at Dunstan's door. Dunstan opens it]
Guard: This was left at the wall for you.
[gives to Dunstan a basket which contains a baby]
Guard: Says here his name is Tristan.

Me: Beautiful, beautiful movie.  Lovely, lovely Yvaine and Tristan- they are one of my favourite couples and their love story is absolutely endearing.  Great music- kudos to Ilan Eshkeri.  Superb song when the credits roll- Take That’s Rule The World.  Brilliant screenplay- really enjoyed the unfolding of dialogues.  In short, am totally delighted with the movie.  I didn’t like the book.  Thank goodness they changed a lot of things in the movie, especially the ending!  Anyway, am now consoled by Stardust: The Visual Companion in my possession.  Will be getting the vcd or dvd next!  Stardust cheers!