Sunday 29 May 2011

7 Things I Learnt from the 7th Season of the American Idol

Filed under: Current Affairs — purplehsiaoling at 9:06 pm on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

1. Do not despair even if everything/everyone (especially the judges) seems to be in favour of the other contestant. Like what Simon (also) said, it’s just an opinion.
2. Do not give up even if you think that you have lost round one and two. There’s still round three and you must always, always do your best as if it’s the last time you’ll ever do it.

3. Be nice, be sincere and flash your sweet smile once in a while to drive your fans crazy! An art that David Cook perfected. I’m absolutely bowled over by his charm. He’s just so cool.

4. Believe in what you do and love doing what you do. When Simon questioned David Cook on why he didn’t choose to sing his best songs during yesterday’s last round, he replied, well, I thought this is a progression and I didn’t want to do something I’ve already done.

5. Life does work in mysterious ways. David Cook said that it’s his brother’s fault that got him there. One minute you might be doing something ordinary, but the next you’re living your dream.

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