Sunday 29 May 2011

Daddy by Amber Alejo Rowley

Filed under: Lyrics — purplehsiaoling at 7:45 pm on Friday, March 9, 2007

Thinking about the way it would’ve been
If I didn’t have you around to call my friend
Would’ve been so lost
Been so confused
Given up
But you were there, you guided me
Helped me see who I was meant to be
I don’t think I’ve ever told you how
You changed my life
I’ll always be thankful, daddy
I have so much love for you
I’ll always pray for you, daddy
I am who I am because of you
Things weren’t always picture perfect
With your mistakes, I have learned that
Life is more than those moments
It’s given me purpose
Because of hurt, I can see
How good you really were to me
And I’ll be grateful everyday
That God made you my daddy
Endless roads and broken dreams
Just know who you are inside of me
‘Cause of you I came to be
And I’ll always be grateful
No matter where the road may take me
I’ll always be your baby
And I’ll be grateful everyday
That God made you my daddy

Note: I love this song a lot and I’m most grateful to Renny for helping me find the elusive song and lyrics.

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