Sunday 29 May 2011

Meet The Robinsons

Filed under: Film — purplehsiaoling at 9:42 am on Saturday, April 14, 2007

     I am very pleased.  Why?  I watched two movies, The Reaping yesterday and Meet The Robinsons just now, that made it into my list of favourites. 

     It really is one life’s greatest pleasures when you have just read a very good book, watched a very good movie, heard a very good song, had a very good conversation or made a very good friend.  It is at times like this when you can’t help but go, ah, this is life!  And then bask in the glory of life.

     I love watching cartoons because you can at least expect a good ending.  And with Meet The Robinsons, the villain even turned good!  His path of life was changed and he was given a second chance.  Second chances..  Do they really matter in life?  I guess they do if the person given it appreciates it and makes the effort to be different.         

     Meet The Robinsons is all about family.  Something we have and sometimes take for granted but in Lewis’ case, it’s something he does not have and yearns for.  His mother left him at the doorsteps of the orphanage when he was born.  All his early 12 years of life, he wanted be adopted and to belong to someone.  He wanted a family of his own.

     But when another adoption interview with his prospective foster parents went awry, Lewis went into despair.  I really felt for him then.  He was different.  He was special.  He was no ordinary boy.  Because of that, it was difficult for any normal parents who wanted normal kids to accept him.  Well, why is it so difficult for people to accept someone who is different anyway?

     This cartoon also shows how one single moment can act to change the entire course of one’s life.  Take a listen at the cartoon’s song, Little Wonders, by Rob Thomas.  Beautiful lyrics, catchy melody, good vocals..  What more do I need?  Haha.. 

     Is life all about letting go and moving forward?  The central theme of the cartoon would definitely be "Keep Moving Forward."  Everything happens for a reason.  Lewis was thrown a chance to do something different with his past.  He was brought back into the past, to the moment when his mother left him at the orphanage.  He was so close to her that he could touch her but..

     He drew back.  He let history be the way it was and perhaps, meant to be.  If he had pulled his mother back, if he wasn’t left behind at the orphanage..  Who knows what could have happened?  But he had been to the future.  He knew what awaits him there.  Thus, he was contented enough to let the past be, to work hard in the present and to keep moving forward to the future.

     I’ve wondered before how adorable little kids could turn out to be such monsters when they grow up.  This cartoon gave me the answer.  Goob, Lewis’ roommate at the orphanage, was this sweet and blur little boy, who made me went "awww.." every time he appeared on screen but fast forward into the future, he became the horrible-looking villain!  How did that happen?

     He let hatred, anger and envy consume himself and they ate him up so much so that he failed to make something out of his life.  He blamed another for the way his life turned out to be instead of moving forward.  The Robinsons said that you learn much more with every mistake you made and not very much with every success you achieve.  But then again, we’d still want to strive for success, right?  

     In conclusion, this cartoon left me wanting to cry and laugh at the same time at the end.  It is such a beautiful story with delicious colours and lovable characters and when Little Wonders started playing in the last scene, I was all smiles.  This is one jolly good movie that I am glad I have caught after procrastinating.              

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